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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 855, Issue 2,
Pages 349-742 (10 September 1999)

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Dynamics of capillary electrochromatography; II. Comparison of column efficiency parameters in microscale high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrochromatography, Pages 349-366
E. Wen, R. Asiaie and Cs. Horváth
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Visualization of sample introduction in liquid chromatography columns; The effect of the frit diameter, Pages 367-382
B. Scott Broyles, R. Andrew Shalliker and Georges Guiochon
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Enzyme amplification as detection tool in continuous-flow systems; I. Development of an enzyme-amplified biochemical detection system coupled on-line to flow-injection analysis, Pages 383-396
M. R. van Bommel, A. P. J. M. de Jong, U. R. Tjaden, H. Irth and J. van der Greef
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Enzyme amplification as detection tool in continuous-flow systems; II. On-line coupling of liquid chromatography to enzyme-amplified biochemical detection after pre-column derivatization with biotin, Pages 397-409
M. R. van Bommel, A. P. J. M. de Jong, U. R. Tjaden, H. Irth and J. van der Greef
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Application and comparison of derivatized cellulose and amylose chiral stationary phases for the separation of enantiomers of pharmaceutical compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 411-421
Tao Wang and Yadan W. Chen
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Repeatability and reproducibility of retention data and band profiles on reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns; III. Results obtained with Kromasil C18 columns, Pages 423-453
Marianna Kele and Georges Guiochon
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Molecular mechanism of retention in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and classification of modern stationary phases by using quantitative structure¯retention relationships, Pages 455-486
Roman Kaliszan, Marion A. van Straten, Michal Markuszewski, Carel A. Cramers and Henk A. Claessens
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Application of several modified peak purity assays to real complex multicomponent mixtures by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection, Pages 487-499
A. Garrido Frenich, J. R. Torres-Lapasió, K. De Braekeleer, D. L. Massart, J. L. Martínez Vidal and M. Martínez Galera
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Separation and identification of polar degradation products of benzo[a]pyrene with ozone by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization¯mass spectrometry after optimized column chromatographic clean-up, Pages 501-514
T. Letzel, E. Rosenberg, R. Wissiack, M. Grasserbauer and R. Niessner
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Liquid chromatographic¯mass spectrometric determination of phenolic compounds using a capillary-scale particle beam interface, Pages 515-527
Achille Cappiello, Giorgio Famiglini, Filippo Mangani, Maria Careri, Paola Lombardi and Claudio Mucchino
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Liquid chromatography with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometric detection of phenolic compounds from Olea europaea, Pages 529-537
D. Ryan, K. Robards, P. Prenzler, D. Jardine, T. Herlt and M. Antolovich
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Isocratic separations of closely-related mono- and disaccharides by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection using dilute alkaline spiked with barium acetate, Pages 539-550
Tommaso R. I Cataldi, Cristiana Campa, Massimiliano Angelotti and Sabino A. Bufo
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Determination of gas phase peroxyacetic acid using pre-column derivatization with organic sulfide reagents and liquid chromatography, Pages 551-561
Stefan Effkemann, Søren Brødsgaard, Peter Mortensen, Svend-Aage Linde and Uwe Karst
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Fast, sensitive and selective liquid chromatographic¯tandem mass spectrometric determination of tumor-promoting diterpene esters, Pages 563-573
G. Vogg, S. Achatz, A. Kettrup and H. SandermannJr.
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Determination of sulfonylurea degradation products in soil by liquid chromatography¯ultraviolet detection followed by confirmatory liquid chromatography¯tandem mass spectrometry, Pages 575-582
Rossana Bossi, Karl Vejrup and Carsten S. Jacobsen
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Gas chromatographic determination of primary alcohols as their formylbenzoic esters by gas-phase luminescence detection, Pages 583-591
Zhong-Ping Lin and Walter A. Aue
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Evaluation of a dual-sorbent trap for monitoring organic compounds in air, Pages 593-600
E. Pierini, L. Sampaolo and A. R. Mastrogiacomo
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Investigation of combwax of honeybees with high-temperature gas chromatography and high-temperature gas chromatography¯chemical ionization mass spectrometry; I. High-temperature gas chromatography, Pages 601-615
R. Aichholz and E. Lorbeer
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Preparative thin-layer chromatographic separation and subsequent gas chromatographic¯mass spectrometric analysis of monoacylglycerols derived from butter oil by fungal degradation, Pages 617-624
Qin-Tao Liu and Judith L. Kinderlerer
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Comparison of continuous subcritical water extraction and hydrodistillation of marjoram essential oil, Pages 625-632
M. M. Jiménez-Carmona, J. L. Ubera and M. D. Luque de Castro
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Multiresidue determination of persistent organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds in whale tissues using automated liquid chromatographic clean up and gas chromatographic¯mass spectrometric detection, Pages 633-643
R. Serrano, F. J. López and F. Hernández
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Electrospray mass spectrometry and supercritical fluid chromatography of methylated -cyclodextrins, Pages 645-656
A. Salvador, B. Herbreteau and M. Dreux
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Separation of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins on Chromarods-SIII by thin-layer chromatography with the Iatroscan (mark 5) and flame thermionic detection, Pages 657-668
W. M. Indrasena, R. G. Ackman and T. A. Gill
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Widening of the elution window in micellar electrokinetic chromatography with cationic surfactants; II. Cationic additives and modifiers of the electroosmotic flow, Pages 669-679
Alexander Dworschak and Ute Pyell
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Rapid development of the enantiomeric separation of -blockers by capillary electrophoresis using an experimental design approach, Pages 681-693
M. G. Vargas, Y. Vander Heyden, M. Maftouh and D. L. Massart
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Analysis of recombinant and modified proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Pages 695-707
Tao Liu, Xiao-Xia Shao, Rong Zeng and Qi-Chang Xia
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Separation and purification of isoflavones from Pueraria lobata by high-speed counter-current chromatography, Pages 709-713
Xueli Cao, Yu Tian, Tianyou Zhang, Xin Li and Yoichiro Ito
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Supercritical fluid extraction of nylon 6,6 oligomers and their characterization via liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, Pages 715-721
S. R. Porter and L. T. Taylor
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Modified apparatus for voltage gradient gel electrophoresis, Pages 723-726
Maria Rita Asaro, Vincenzo Izzo and Rainer Barbieri
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Index, Pages 727-730

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Index, Pages 731-742

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